GA workers comp laws

Injured at Work? Your Rights Under GA Workers Comp Laws

Every year, Georgia deals without about 80,000 workers non-fatally injured while on the job. Even as most employers work to meet OSHA and other safety standards, some workplaces still remain unsafe and accidents at work continue to occur. If you’ve been injured on the job, it’s hard to know what GA workers comp

workers comp claim

When to File a Workers Comp Claim (& When Not to!)

In 2012 alone, three million nonfatal workplace accidents occurred in the United States. That means, for every 100 full-time employees, 3.5 got injured. If this has happened to you, how do you know when you should file a workers’ comp claim? From lost wages to permanent disability, workers’ compensation can provide you

workplace injuries

8 Most Common Workplace Injuries to Watch Out For

Workplace injuries are more common than you think. In 2016, there were over 2.9 million workplace injuries reported in the United States. Every workplace is vulnerable to accidents and injuries. The types of injuries likely to happen vary based on the workplace environment. Have you experienced an injury at work? Or have you

workers compensation claim

Help! My Workers’ Compensation Claim Has Been Denied! Now What?

While only a mere 2% of workers compensation claims are ever found to be fraudulent, you might think the percentage was closer to 92% due to the way that some insurance companies often respond to claims.Insurance companies want to thoroughly investigate every claim, making it seem like every claim might be suspect, every worker intoxicated, and every employer negligent. Don’t let these hurdles to